Safeguarding Vulnerable Individuals
We are committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of the children, young people and vulnerable adults among us.
In our parish the current Safeguarding Representative is Annabel Dowuona and the Deputy Safeguarding Representative is Charles Ashaley. They can both be contacted through the Parish Office on 020 8854 0359.
The parish benefits from the guidance and support of the Diocese of Southwark. The Diocese has its own Safeguarding Team headed by Helen Sheppard as the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer. Visit the Diocese website details of the Safeguarding Team, including the Archbishop’s representative for safeguarding issues. The Diocese co-operates fully with the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service (CSAS), which aims to help the Church become an example of best practice in the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults, and to develop a ‘culture of vigilance’ to ensure that those in our care are kept safe from harm.
Parish Safeguarding Policy
- To raise awareness within the parish of the need to protect its most vulnerable members and how that protection can best be effected.
- To ensure the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults of the parish whilst they are engaged in parish activities.
- To regulate the appointment and training of parish volunteers working or proposing to work with children, young people and vulnerable adults of the parish.
- To ensure that any allegations of abuse are addressed quickly and efficiently whilst offering maximum protection to the alleged victim and ensuring that the rights of the alleged abuser are protected.
- To ensure that parish volunteers are protected from false allegations.
- To ensure that where a known offender joins the parish community children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected and that the offender is protected from unjust treatment.
What should you do?
If you are being abused or know someone who is then don’t ignore it.
Please contact the Parish Safeguarding Representative or any of the agencies listed below.
We know that raising concerns about abuse is not easy and we will handle your concerns with care.
What happens then will depend on the seriousness of the situation.
If you are the person being abused, we will offer you information and advice so that you can make an informed choice about any help you need or action you might want to take.
If you are concerned about someone else, we will pass on the information to the relevant authorities through the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer.
If you are contacting us about someone else and they are unable to make an informed choice, we will make sure they are properly cared for and protected.
If you are being abused and feel unable to call us or one of the other agencies listed, tell someone you trust and ask them to do it for you.
Useful contacts
In an emergency you should phone 999. You should use this service to contact police in situations when you need an immediate response – if a crime / incident is happening now or if anyone is in immediate danger.
0800 1111
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty towards Children
Tel: 0808 800 5000
Royal Borough of Greenwich Children’s Services
Referral team (office hours): 020 8921 3172
Emergency duty team (out of office hours only): 020 8854 8888.
Royal Borough of Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Team
Tel: 020 8854 8888
Samaritans of Lewisham, Greenwich and Southwark
Tel: 020 86925228 (Branch)
Tel: 08457 909090 (UK)
Age UK Bromley and Greenwich
Tel: 020 8315 1850
Fax: 020 8315 1851
Catholic Church Advice
Archdiocese of Southwark
Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service