7+ child baptism registration form (pdf, 107KB)
Anne Donaldson RIP (pdf, 182KB)
Archbishop Address and Livestream from St Georges Cathedral (docx, 300KB)
Baptism Forms 2018 (pdf, 56KB)
Bishop Patrick Lynch Retirement (pdf, 80KB)
Day of Healing (pdf, 117KB)
Decree Suspending Sign of Peace (pdf, 389KB)
Feast of Christ the King (pdf, 511KB)
First Holy Communion (pdf, 39KB)
FitHS brief history (pdf, 158KB)
Fr Branch Leaving St Peter’s Woolwich (pdf, 53KB)
Happy Christmas Message and opening times (pdf, 178KB)
Household details form (pdf, 129KB)
to register as a parishioner
Infant baptism registration form (pdf, 151KB)
Lent Retreat (pdf, 587KB)
Lenten Retreat 2022 (pdf, 124KB)
Marriage information booklet (pdf, 386KB)
Parish Pentecost (png, 3.6MB)
Pastoral Letter 18 March 2020 (pdf, 314KB)
Pastoral Letter 2021 (pdf, 171KB)
Pentecost Novena (pdf, 4.1MB)
Pentecost Novena 2021 (pdf, 2.0MB)
Public Letter about CoronaVirus (pdf, 200KB)
Queen Elizabeth II (pdf, 48KB)
Rededication of England as Mary’s Dowry (pdf, 257KB)
Samaritan Purse (pdf, 209KB)
Schedule for Masses (pdf, 85KB)
Statement from Archbishop (pdf, 282KB)
Synod 2021/23 (Draft Diocesan Document) (pdf, 670KB)
Wishing a Happy Easter (jpg, 2.4MB)