Baptism of Infants & Children
We welcome infants and children into membership of the church, as adopted children of God and co-heirs of Christ’s kingdom, through Baptism. For babies, the membership commitment is expressed on their behalf by parents and godparents. Older children make their own commitment when they are ready to do so. This commitment is brought to maturity by Confirmation, reflecting the gift of the Holy Spirit to the apostles at the first Pentecost.
Infant Baptism
When you wish to have your baby baptised, please attend one of the Tuesday evening parish surgeries. It will save time if you are able to download, print and complete this baptism-form beforehand. If you have not been coming to St Peter’s for Sunday Mass regularly for many recent weeks, at least one parent should bring their own baptism certificate. Parents are usually then asked to join one of our regular baptism catechesis programmes: two two-hour sessions on Tuesday evenings. Baptisms are generally arranged on a Sunday afternoon, after the 11.45am Mass. Godparents should be practising Catholics; if they do not come to St Peter’s regularly for Sunday Mass, they will be asked to provide a letter from their own parish priest.