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Heritage help


  • Organising material on shelves and in initial catalogue
  • Preparing more detailed sections of catalogue where needed
  • Indexing names and events in parish magazines and newsletters
  • Arranging for repair, conservation and safe storage of documents and photos

Liturgical Artefacts

  • Arrange for full description, dating and valuation of all items
  • Arrange for repair and cleaning where needed
  • Arrange appropriate storage
  • Maintain inventory and regular checks

Research and Writing

  • Pursue and write-up research on themes relating to parish history and heritage
  • Collect oral history from older parishioners and former pupils of St Peter’s School
  • Prepare, review and update periodically the publicity, guide leaflets and booklets, and the resource pack for use by guides and stewards.

Guides and Stewards

  • Produce and keep under periodic review the outlines of short and long guided tours
  • Settle programme of special open days in liaison with other local heritage groups and organisers e.g. London Open House, Ride and Stride
  • Respond to requests for specific tours

If you are interested in undertaking any of these roles for a while, please complete and return a household details form (see Downloads or the leaflet stand in the church foyer).